
UX Talk Tokyo #32: Alvaro Arregui "Mastery through a passion-project" and Tom Coombs "'Flow' in UX design"

2016-11-21(月)19:00 - 21:00 JST

Pivotal, 六本木ヒルズ森タワー20F

〒106-6120東京都港区六本木6丁目10番1号 六本木ヒルズ森タワー20F




入園料 500円 会場払い
学生 無料
学生無料 。ドリンク、おにぎりあり。


There will be two presentations on the night:

Alvaro Arregui - "Mastering digital product design through a passion-project"
Alvaro will talk to us about mastering digital product design through a passion project, and how to apply the learnings to client work or to creating the next big hit on the app store.
He recently founded Nuevo.Studio Tokyo and before that was Lead designer at the trail-blazing London design studio UsTwo.

Tom Coombs - "Capturing process 'flow' in UX design"
Tom will talk about and show various methods for capturing process flow.
He is Head of Product for LendStreet.

Then there will be networking until 9pm.

It's an open, inclusive group. Anyone interested in UX is welcome.

Registration closes at noon on the day of the event.


UX Talk Tokyo

UX Talk Tokyo

A meet-up discussion group for people interested in User Experience and User Interface design.
