3-27-11, Yushin bldg 8F, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0002
At the next meeting there will be two talks:
• "Eye tracking testing for mobile devices" by Kanayama-san (aka "Toy-san")
• "Sound Interaction Design" by Yamauchi-san
Then there will be free time for networking until 9pm, when our kind hosts Gengo will politely ask us to leave.
The spirit of the group is very inclusive. Anyone interested in UX is welcome, regardless of experience, and any question is ok.
Places are limited, so please sign up early. If you reserve and then discover that you can't come, please cancel your ticket on Doorkeeper.
If you'd like to join the mailing list for future event emails, please sign up at http://eepurl.com/BE70L.
A meet-up discussion group for people interested in User Experience and User Interface design.