
UX Talk Tokyo #6 - Usability labs & Qualitative research methods

2014-02-19(水)19:00 - 21:00 JST

Gengo offices

3-27-11, Yushin bldg 8F, Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-0002




500円 会場払い
Free for students. There will be basic drinks and onigiri.


UX Talk Tokyo #6 is next week on Wednesday 19th, and there will be two talks ...

Ryan (from Up Arrows)
"Setting up a UX Lab (from a simple lab to a high-end lab)"

Markus Heberlein
"Qualitative Research Methods for UX: Introduction to Semi-structured Interviewing, User Observation, and Video/Photo Ethnography"

As usual it's at Gengo (thanks Gengo), and there will be networking afterwards until 9pm.

It's an open, inclusive group. Anyone interested in UX is welcome.

Places are limited, so please register early, and if you can't make it, please cancel on Doorkeeper.

Finally, the mailing list is at if you or anyone you know would like to be informed of future events.


UX Talk Tokyo

UX Talk Tokyo

A meet-up discussion group for people interested in User Experience and User Interface design.
